Autumn menu


Steamed seafood salad [2 - 9 – 12 - 14]*


Cod fish with potatoes, olives and green cabbage [1 - 3 - 4 - 9 - 12]*


Variation of tuna with salads and garden sprouts, candied lemon sauce and Evo oil crumble [1 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 9 – 10]*


Marinated beef carpaccio with ricotta cheese, “pappacelle” peppers sauce and rosemary cracker [1 – 7 – 9 – 12]*


Creamed whole wheat biscotto bread with eggplant, variation of fresh tomato, mozzarella cheese, dried olives and salted anchovies [1 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 – 9 - 10]*


Escarole and beans [1 – 3 - 5 – 7 - 8 – 9]*


Pumpkin soup with prawns, burrata and Tarallo with black pepper flavor [1 – 2 – 7]*

La Pasta

Spaghetti in baking parchment paper (since 1965) [1 – 12 - 14]*


Riccioli with white grouper, sconcigli and glasswort [1 - 4 – 7 – 9 – 12 - 14]*


Lemon scented risotto with raw scampi and dried sea lettuce [2 - 7 – 9 – 12]*


Linguine with salted anchovies, fennel, dried figs and fresh walnuts [1 - 4 – 7 - 8 - 9]*


Chestnut cannellone with smoked provola cheese, porcini mushrooms and thyme oil [1 - 3 - 6 - 7 – 8 - 9 - 13]*

Main course

Fish of the day fillet in lemon sauce with potatoes and broccoli from our organic farm [1 - 4 - 5 - 7 – 9]*


Mixed fried fish [1 - 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 9 - 10 – 12 - 14]*


Fish soup [1 – 2 – 4 – 9 – 12 – 14]*


Beef entrecôte with Calabrian broccoli and garlic cream [7 – 8]*


Egg with chard, cauliflower, Parmesan cheese and truffle [3 -7 – 9]*


Selection of cheese with honey, jam and mustards [7 – 10 – 12]*


Lemon and hazelnut Amalfi style cake [3 – 7 – 8]*


Chocolate, almonds and cherries [1 – 3 – 7 - 13]*


Vanilla Bavarois, rosemary biscuit and figs [1 – 3 – 7]*

Some products, depending on the market, can be chilled or frozen.
*The list of allergenic ingredients is on the following LINK

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